Fine Art Abstract Painting Cincinnati Ohio
College of Mt. St. Joseph – BA Degree in Art Education 1967
Taught Art in Cinti. Public Schools 1967 – 1968
Taught Art in Oak Hills School District 1968 – 1973
1985-1987 Employed at Kenner Toy Co. sculpting molds for “Star Wars” toys
1984-1988 Chair of volunteer art program at elementary school
1990 – 2000 Member of painting group with Jack Meanwell
1994 – 2000 Art Academy classes-Figure Drawing with Jack Meanwell
1999 – Present – Studio at the Pendleton Art Center
Artist: Jackie Frey
Jackie graduated from Mount St. Joseph College with a BA degree in Art Education. She taught art in the Cincinnati Public schools and the Oak Hills School district for 6 years.
She attended figure drawing classes at the Cincinnati Art Academy for 4 years with Jack Meanwell as her instructor.
She has had a studio at the Pendleton Art Center since 1999. Her work has been displayed in several local and regional galleries, and was selected to hang in Macy’s Department stores in California and New York.
Artist Statement
” Painting is an evolutionary search. It is at once intuitive, emotional and spontaneous. It is a mysterious, psychological process to which I am drawn, always striving to unravel the enigmatic characteristics of the paint. The solution will never be found, but the search is necessary, enjoyable and fulfilling.
Don’t copy nature too much. Art is an abstraction
Paul Gauguin 1848- 1903